
Algebraic Data Type


In my ongoing project on ZX Calculus, I found myself needing an elegant and efficient way to handle objects of specific types and perform operations on their values. Enter Algebraic Data Types (ADTs) - a powerful concept from functional programming. ADTs, coupled with pattern matching, provide a solution that is not only efficient but also expressive, allowing for cleaner, more readable code when dealing with complex data structures.

Algebraic Data Types

Most programming languages provide types to represent primitive data. For instance, digit numbers are typically represented in Int, and alphabets in char. However, these data types alone might not always convey significant meaning. It's through their composition that we can represent more complex concepts. This is where Algebraic Data Types, first introduced in functional programming, come into play. An Algebraic Data Type (ADT) is a type formulated by composing other types. The algebra in its name encapsulates the operations you may execute on these composed types. You can perform addition on types to create a Sum Type. As an example, in Julia we can define:

@enum Shape Circle=1 Rectangle=2 Square=3 RightTriangle=4

This is a sum type because the total number of possible instances of the ADT Shape is the sum of its variants, i.e., Circle, Rectangle, etc. You can also perform multiplication on types to form a Product Type.

struct Rectangle

This is a product type because the total number of potential instances of Rectangle is the product of the possible values for length and width. Consequently, you can further compose Sum Types and Product Types to create more intricate Algebraic Data Types. Here is an example of defining a Product Type using Expronicon.jl:

using Expronicon.ADT: @adt

@adt public Shape begin

    struct Circle

    struct Rectangle

    struct Square

    struct RightTriangle

Note the usage of the keyword public; this implies we can use Circle instead of Shape.Circle, making our code more readable and easier to manage.

Pattern Matching

While representing complex concepts through grouped data is beneficial, manipulating this data is equally critical. The first step to handling data is through extraction, which is achieved by destructuring an Algebraic Data Type. This can be generalized into the concept of pattern matching, defined as 'the act of examining a given sequence of tokens for the presence of the constituents of some pattern' [1]​. A comprehensive list of pattern matching rules can be found in MlStyle.jl's documentation. For the sake of brevity and relevance, I'll provide examples of pattern matching using the ADT defined with Expronicon and the pattern matching feature provided by MLStyle.jl. This choice was made because the ADT in MLStyle.jl supports generic types, so it won't be type stable. For performance reasons, I'll use the ADT from Expronicon. Both packages interact well.

function enlarge_shape(s::Shape)
    @match s begin
        Circle(r) => Circle(2r)
        Rectangle(l,w) => Rectangle(2l,3w)
        Square(s) => Square(s^2)
        RightTriangle(a,b) && if => RightTriangle(2a,2*b)

This code accepts an instance of the Algebraic Data Type Shape and enlarges the figure according to the specific type of each passed instance.

Performance Analysis

Roger, author of Expronicon.jl, has made a comparison between using ADT and naive isa : ternary operator. It has clear performance gain. For the sake of time, I will not try to reproduce them here.


This post has been lovingly crafted using Org Babel, a literal programming support application in Emacs.