
Curry-Howard Correspondence

Programs are Proofs, Proofs are Programs




In Chapter $4$ of Nature of Computation, a brief intuition was given on why is $P \subseteq NP$, where $P$ denotes problems with polynomial time solutions and $NP$ denotes problems with polynomial time verifiers. The intuition is that a polynomial time algorithm constructing the answer can be viewed as a verifier of the problem. In this sense, the correspondence between a proof and a program is ever so clear. As a matter of fact, a program always gives a proof. The notion of a program computing an ouput for with given inputs can be viewed as the process of getting a valid evidence of a logical proposition. This is the idea of computing with evidence.

Propositions as Types

But what proof is given by a program? The answer is related to the types of the program. To be more concrete, let's consider the following function

let square x = x * x;;
val square : int -> int = <fun>

This function takes an integer and returns an integer. The type of the function is int -> int. We may view the type as equivalent to proposition. The -> function type constructor is then equivalent to => implication.

More over a product type denoted by * can be view as logical conjunction $\Lambda$.

let fst (a,b) = a;;
val fst : 'a * 'b -> 'a = <fun>

The logical disjunction is denoted as below where we require the disjunction to be define constructively which means we require a certain value to be evaluated for propositions on two sides of the $\lor$ symbol.

type ('a, 'b) disj = Left of 'a | Right of 'b;;
type ('a, 'b) disj = Left of 'a | Right of 'b

Interestingly, there's a type with no concrete values. This kind of type is called uninhabitated.

type empty = |;;
type empty = |

We could produce result as such

let e : empty = failwith "";;
Exception: Failure "".

The above correspondence between types in programming and propositions in logic is known as Curry-Howard Correspondence.

Evaluation of Program as Simplification of Proof

Exercise Solutions

Propositions as types

type 'unit -> 'p;;
Line 1, characters 11-13:
1 | type 'unit -> 'p;;;;
Error: Syntax error